Posted By: Brownowl Timetable and Personal Schedule Strata Mess - 03/23/12 05:32 AM
Hi All,

Have installed Strata Messaging system recently and needed to shedule between open and closed throughout the day.

I have used Timetable and associated personal schedules on mailbox which seems to work but directly after schedule has performed. Voicemail fails to answer at all. We have to reboot VM and system to bring it back. Anyone else done much with this or have a better way to achieve it?
Hey Chris what version of SM are you running?
I am using the latest version of

I have had issues with our different timezones and wakeup not working correctly but not with the schedules.
Have you tried using a script mailbox?
HI Carl,

Hope your well mate?

I have used a the schedules/timetable on a script box sorry prob did not explain very well.

In the end i have got away with starting a dept with a script box and used time ranges in there. It's a bit limited though with only 3 modes got away with it this time though.

Incidentally we are running
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