Posted By: topher System Monitor - 02/25/07 09:50 AM
Anyone know of a good system monitor that will test every hour and print a short synopsis of the test to a dot matrix printer in use of a continuous paper feed.

I am interested in things like processor use, use of memory, number of processes running, names of running processes, lan activity, user logged in, etc.

This is for a security system that has been crashing and I want to keep an eye on it.

Posted By: notheruser Re: System Monitor - 02/25/07 05:00 PM
Don't know of anything that will do what you ask, but I'd be surprised if it will reveal anything that's not in the Event Viewer logs - any strange messages there? What OS is it?
Posted By: Pointdexter Re: System Monitor - 02/25/07 07:49 PM
Conky works well for Linux boxes.
System Monitor 1.5 for Windows boxes.
Posted By: topher Re: System Monitor - 03/07/07 05:25 AM
Wow, forgot about this post!

notheruser, It crashes with a KeyPro registry error, from cycling the drivers from the card every 23 hours.

Once it reboots or when i finally have to re-install the OS, it doesn't have event logs remaining. It is a troubling system that <b> should </b> be upgraded to a DVR, but customer doesn't have it in budget.
Posted By: Steve Brower Re: System Monitor - 03/07/07 05:41 PM
Topher, sysinternals ( makes a bunch of nice (and free) diagnostic programs. None of these will print or notify you that I know of, but they can still be extremely useful in trouble-shooting your problem. I would look at Process Explorer& Process Monitor first. By the way, it looks like Microsoft has taken over sysinternals, though the URL above still works.
Posted By: topher Re: System Monitor - 03/07/07 06:52 PM
Okay, thanks for the input Steve, I appreciate it! I will check them out.
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