Posted By: Pseudopath Samsung DCS Gateway problems - 06/16/05 01:25 PM
Hi guys,

I'm afraid I'm a bit of a PABX newbie, but I'm hoping some of you will be willing to share your genius and get me out of a pickle.

My company has a Samsung DCS Gateway system and this is configured using the Samsung MAP for Windows software. I have a patch lead running directly from the Gateway's network socket to the network adapter of the PC.

Up until last week, this arrangement worked perfectly - I could login to MAP using the IP address of the Gateway and make changes to port information totals and ring groups without problems.

However, when I now open the MAP software, the status bar reads "Link Fail" and logging-in always produces an "In use, or not connected" error. I have tried different patch cables, changing the network card on the PC and hard-rebooting the Gateway, all to no avail.

I have noticed that the LAN status light on the CPU module does not light up (but cannot recall if this was ever active).

Has anyone else encountered this problem? Are there any other methods by which I could log into the system? I guess this is what happens when you make IT Managers look after PABX systems!!!

Thanks for any advice you can offer,

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