Welcome to Tech Talk: This board is here to help end users and as well as professional telecommunications system installers to help deal with telephone system related issues. The Moderators of Sundance ask that you read the following before participation in this forum:
Tech Talk Forum Rules along with Terms of Service

1. Please fill out your profile as completely as possible. The users of the board like to know a little about the individuals they are helping as well as the potential level of proficiency of the poster. A complete profile is not a requirement but you will get better responses with a complete profile.

2. Please do not post passwords or any other privileged information in the public forums (see Rules in link near the top of the page). As a rule of thumb, if the information is not in the users or administrators guide, do not post it in the forum. If you wish to relate such information in regard to a post, you should do this by sending a private message or an email to the poster.

3. The board is intended to assist two types of members, end users and professional telephone technicians (installers). If you are a novice or a do-it-yourself end user looking for advanced assistance with a system install, you should post your question with as much detail as possible and expect a response from a qualified installer who can take your issue off the board and answer your questions via private message, email or over the telephone. You should expect to pay a fee to compensate the installer for their time, experience and help. If the technician chooses to help you for free, that is totally up to the technician. You can also send a PM or email to any of the moderator(s) of the forum in which you need assistance if additional assistance is needed. Again, you should expect to pay for any technical assistance offered.

4. Technicians should discuss issues related to trade and business practices in the Installers forum. Posting of wholesale prices, quota information and manufacturer relationship issues are subject to being edited or removed. Posts that are not in the proper category will be moved to the proper category. As a rule, installers and interconnect business owners should post business related issues in the private installer forum.

5. Please provide feedback for the technicians who helped you by rating that member.

6. If you wish to apply for access to the installer area, you should go to the General Forum and post under the topic Installer Category Permission Ver XX. Your profile must be complete and you should be an owner or employed in the business of installing and maintaining telecommunications system equipment in some way shape or form. Other requirements may also apply. Sundance reserves the right to deny access to the Installer Forum to anyone for any reason. Access to the Installer Forum is a privilege reserved for qualified individuals only.

7.You should treat all posters with respect. Keep your discussions on topic and avoid personal attacks and name calling if someone posts something you disagree with. You should also respect the individual product areas and the professional individuals who trade information in these forums on a regular basis. In other words, if you are a Mitel installer and you pop over into the NorTel area to post negative comments in regard to the Nortel product or interfere with the forum, your post will be deleted and you might be banned from the board.

8. Please offer pricing through private messages or email... Ones pricing is not permitted in any category, if a piece of equipment is a fix to someones problem or needs, please send the pricing VIA PM or email or your post could be edited or deleted.

9. The use of instant graemlins located at the bottom right of you post is encouraged As we all know it is very hard to type emotion and sarcasm. The use of the graemlins will help in your ability to communicate effectively.
© Sundance Business VOIP Telephone Help