Posted By: Iwatsu_Tech CID Name and Number - 12/12/13 04:31 PM
So thought I would try this one more time. I have a 7400 with 3 cabinets that I am using on a Campus application. Basically I have 5 PRIs and I am delivering phone to service to Campus Residents via 16MWSLI cards. TIME WARNER is the Service Provider and we are using the NI 2 format. I have a CRM for caller ID and its programmed to CID. I have already set CLI to SLI "yes" on all the station ports. Now according to service manuals when the RCM2 Card was used it states the following -

"Any CID Compatible device connected to Analog Station Ports can display Name and Number as delivered by the telephone company. This board regenerates CID exactly as the Central office sends it."

Now the CRM replaced the RCM card at some point and here's what the manual states about the CRM and Caller ID -

"The CRM performs the functions of the RCM2, SCM and MFM daughtercards."

So its clear Samsung intends this to be an available feature.

TIME WARNER is sending name and number, I have verified this on a digital station connected to the system. However the CRM is not decoding the Name on the analog side.

So does anybody have any other ideas before I go Postal on Samsung Support who blame it on everything but the kitchen sink. I'm open to anything because at the moment I am forced to enter the names manually in CLI Translation tables and that is an unsustainable method.

Thanks alot and again A bottle of your choice to individual who can figure this one out.

Other info

4.7 version
Posted By: bmreen Re: CID Name and Number - 12/12/13 05:30 PM
Does the anolog station display name and number when intercomed from an digital station? I don't remember if this cane be done on an anolog station or not, but is CLI Name First set for line 1 and CLI Nuber First set for line 2 in MMC 110/119?
Posted By: T.C Re: CID Name and Number - 12/12/13 10:48 PM
Do the POTS support cid? Are you using the 16MWSLI3 or an earlier version?
Posted By: T.C Re: CID Name and Number - 12/12/13 10:52 PM
Reading again, i think your confirming you recieve the number at the POTS but not the name from the network provider?

Posted By: Iwatsu_Tech Re: CID Name and Number - 12/12/13 11:03 PM
Yea it does display name and number when called via intercom. Selecting name and number order is only available on the digital stations. I have the 16MWSLI not the 3's.
Posted By: bmreen Re: CID Name and Number - 12/13/13 12:16 AM
Do the DID's go through VM or anything else before going to the analog port or do they go straight to the analog port?
Posted By: Iwatsu_Tech Re: CID Name and Number - 12/13/13 04:14 PM
Straight to port, No VM.
Posted By: noisemarine Re: CID Name and Number - 12/16/13 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by Iwatsu_Tech
TIME WARNER is sending name and number, I have verified this on a digital station connected to the system. However the CRM is not decoding the Name on the analog side.

Have you plugged in an analog device (such as a fairly recent model cordless phone) and confirmed that the analog ports are indeed the issue here?
Posted By: Iwatsu_Tech Re: CID Name and Number - 02/08/14 02:19 PM

After upgrading to 4.70 I was still having the problem, but moving my LP Cards to version 2.2 I noticed that under LCP card settings that the CRM display included to selections, after setting both to CID Name and Number showed up.

I think Samsung had a bug in versions 4.6 and 4.65 that went un noticed because this application is seldom used..

PHEWWW.. dodged a bullet with this customer...
Posted By: nameless Re: CID Name and Number - 02/08/14 09:10 PM
That setting is not new to 4.70.
You've always had to specify what functions the 2 dsp's on the crm are used for...
Posted By: Iwatsu_Tech Re: CID Name and Number - 02/09/14 11:00 PM
Correct, however I was only getting one before, the other was greyed out for some reason. Thats why we maybe thought 4.6 had maybe a bug. Who knows.
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