Posted By: Martin62 Officeserv 7030 MOH - 02/17/19 03:08 PM
I need to look at a Samsung Officeserv 7030 for a customer, it was setup by another company and I am not too familiar with these Samung systems, but have done some upgrades and a little configuration in the past.

The issue is they have had a message recorded to playback when a caller is put on hold, apparently the message timeouts after a while and the call is then taken off hold, so the message is never heard fully and the customer has to keep putting the caller back on hold. What MMC's should I be looking at?

Thanks in advance for any help.
Posted By: pvj Re: Officeserv 7030 MOH - 02/17/19 04:51 PM
Where is the message?On a external player ?
Calls put on Hold will follow the system hold recall timer or exclusive hold recall timer in mmc 501.How would anyone know the message has finished playing to take the caller off of hold?
A little more information may help out here otherwise we are guessing
Posted By: Professor Shadow Re: Officeserv 7030 MOH - 02/17/19 07:03 PM
Can you imaging if they didn't have a Recall Timer?

That happened with a DASH Open Phone System upgrade 'improvement'.

Calls would be "parked" without a Recall Timer, so if the person didn't hear the paing announcement "Martin62, you have a call on Park 2." The call would sit there until the caller decided to hangup and call back and ask: "Can I have the Voice Mail for Martin62?"

I asked Tech Support: "Why would you remove the recall timer?"

Apparently more customers asked for parked calls not to be recalled, so the engineers decided, instead of changing the ability set the timing option 1-15,000 seconds they remove the feature completely.
Posted By: pvj Re: Officeserv 7030 MOH - 02/17/19 08:18 PM
I do have customers that don't want a recall timer or a very long one.That is the nice feature of using the EX Hold recall timer set to 0 for no recall or 255 seconds as a longer recall time.
Posted By: Martin62 Re: Officeserv 7030 MOH - 02/23/19 05:58 PM
Sorry I have had a bit of time away, and also apologies for the lack of detail, I haven't looked at the Officeserv system but believe the message is on an external player. Thanks for the pointer about MMC 501, the post was just trying to get some idea of which MMC('s) affected the hold time.
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