Posted By: Zing Help with Iwatsu ring tone! - 06/24/08 09:52 AM
Hello, I desperately need help to stop the phones in my office from ringing the way they are. Everyone is getting annoyed!

We are able to set the ring tone just fine. The problem is that when external calls come in, the phones ring using that tone we had just set as the first tone, but in the place of the subsequent tones are a series of beeps. So instead of 'ring.....ring.....ring' we hear 'ring.....beep-beep-beep.....beep-beep-beep.'

Obviously I don't know much about our system or where the problem is coming from, but please help!
Posted By: Keighlar Re: Help with Iwatsu ring tone! - 06/24/08 10:21 AM
#1) Which Iwatsu system are we dealing with here?
#2) When you say you set the ring tone, do you mean you changed each phone's ring tone from the phone itself? If so, which of the 8 tones did you choose?
Posted By: Zing Re: Help with Iwatsu ring tone! - 06/24/08 10:41 AM
#2) Yes, I selected tone 2 on all phones so that I would be able to tell. So what we hear now is 'tone 2...beep-beep-beep...beep-beep-beep..etc.'
Posted By: Keighlar Re: Help with Iwatsu ring tone! - 06/24/08 12:41 PM
Have you tried selecting a different tone on the phones to get a less annoying ring and to see if all end up with the "beeps" afterward? Is it just tone 2, or all of them?

More importantly, I think what you are actually looking to change is the incoming line ring tone.
One of four different ringing tones can be selected for each line in Class 11.31.
Posted By: Zing Re: Help with Iwatsu ring tone! - 06/24/08 01:51 PM
Yes all tones end up with following beeps.

How do you select the ring tones for each incoming line?
Posted By: TelecomGirl Re: Help with Iwatsu ring tone! - 06/24/08 02:13 PM
I am guessing the "beep beep beep" you are hearing is the delayed ring timer kicking in. Do you have your CO's set for delay ring?

And, as Keighlar mentioned... to change the ring tone for individual lines, use Class 11 Item 31
Posted By: Zing Re: Help with Iwatsu ring tone! - 06/24/08 02:53 PM
I apologize but I don't know what CO's are, or how to see if they're set for delay ring.
I also don't know what Class 11 Item 31 means.
Everything is completely new to me. I appreciate your patience.
Posted By: XConnect Re: Help with Iwatsu ring tone! - 06/24/08 08:41 PM
You may need to have a vendor come in and program your system for you. The beep beep beep may be the delayed ring timer. The ring tone may have been set up in programming for each CO (line). Both of these are easily changed with the programming software, which a Iwatsu dealer uses.
Posted By: Zing Re: Help with Iwatsu ring tone! - 06/26/08 11:12 AM
Okay so our vendor just came to the office, and it was a timer issue. He didn't know exactly what happened previously that caused this. But it's taken care of! Thank you!
I reached out to you because I was getting impatient with the vendor and didn't know if this was something I could simply fix myself.
Thanks again!
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