Executone amplifier (voice page, background music) looking for this same unit for replacement. There seems to be a buzz on the line and this unit seems to be the cause of it. I’m currently using a tuner strait to the system. No hum. I’don’t have music coming from the PA speakers (I may not have enough amps) only the phone and background hold. How do newer systems use a page/background system? Should I be replacing the Executone unit or get a powered tuner, or?????

Thanks for you input!
If it is a Executone AMP.

They had two types:

1 was a tupe amp designed and manufacured by them

2 was a integrated 70 volt amp, designed and manufacured by Bogen foe Executone.

Also check your page port of the system.
They are of the station card on the violet/slate pair. You can try swapping cards.

Good Luck!!
I can't remember the code for turning the background music on or off over the paging system right now, But, Maybe somebody else remembers it?

I know for a fact this can be done, because I had a customer or two that did it everyday, because when the system did its soft reset in the middle of the night, it shut off the music.
Ver 5.4 or higher it's 85 + two digit zone number. Under 5.4 it 83 + two digit zone number.
And needs to be done at the Operators Station.
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