We are using an Executone ACD as an autoattendent (it is attached to a 228 chasis). In the past, the unit wuld greet a user, then if they chose an option, it would imediately paly the sub-greeting. Now, there is a 20 second delay after pressing the main menu option to the time that the sub menu plays. I think this was caused by the local repair technician, who now can not fix this.

Can anybody guide me on how to fix this? We have deleted all messages and re-recorded them but that did not help, nor did pressing # at the end of each recorded message.

Thanx for your help!
You most likeley have DVA's Digital Voice Announcers, they can have up to 120 seconds of custom recordings, Do You have access to the system programming? You will need to find out the extension number of the DVA(s) to find out which one is not playing.
The ACD unit that we have is an Executone Digital Voice Anouncer, 15870-4. The IRS Level=N. I have full access to the programming.

All of our messages play, it is just that the message for the second option delays for 20 seconds prior to playing (it waits about 24 seconds...). The first greeting is about 32 seconds long. I don't know if it is playing dead space at the end of the first message, or what. The manuals for our system vanished around the same time thatn the current repair person started showing up... go figure...
Has anybody changed the programming on the ACD flowchart menu? It almost sounds as if the first message square is missing and then the ACD is continuing. I would have programmed the on hold message to repeat.
I am guessing that the technician may have changed something. How would I look at this to see?
see if you can copy/paste the acd flow here? if not, look at the flow, and tell us excatly what it shows, depending on software of your cpu, you can hit the help screen type in " list pt rec " without the quotes, it will tell you/us the dva ext numbers.
I will get the information and post.

Question: When the system was first installed, the installer told us when recording greetings on the ACD, to first nuke all greetings, then totally re-record the greetings (new and old). When we record a message for the greeting, I have in my notes to press # at the end to indicate that the message is at the end. The local repair rep told us to press * and a different source told me to press 0. I am wondering if the ACD is not recognizing that the message is over and is playing dead time prior to playing the next greeting... Do you know of a designated key to press when recording to indicate that the message is over?
0 is the correct way to end a recording.
The List PT REC gives me the ext # that we use to program the ACD. On the extension screen (A), it shows to port 77 and is labeled DVX.

On our ACD, we use 4 messages (01,02,03,04)
01 - day main greeting
02 - day - sub greeting from 01 (option #2)
03 - night main greeting
04 - night sub greeting from 03 (option #2)

From the ACD programming screen:
ACD GRP 01 Name: FWD DIR (Day)
BOX 1: MUSIC 001 seconds
All other boxes empty

ACD GRP 01 Name: FWD DIR (Night)
BOX 1: MUSIC 015 seconds
All other boxes empty

ACD GRP 02 Name: I (Day)
All other boxes empty

ACD GRP 02 Name: I (Night)
BOX 1: MUSIC 015 seconds
All other boxes empty

ACD GRP 03 Name: (Same for day and night)
BOX 1: FORWARD Ext 108
All other boxes empty

ACD GRP 04 Name: (Same for day and night)
BOX 1: FORWARD Ext 101
All other boxes empty

ACD GRP 05 Name: (Same for day and night)
BOX 1: FORWARD Ext 103
All other boxes empty

ACD GRP 06 Name: (Same for day and night)
BOX 1: FORWARD Ext 106
All other boxes empty

ACD GRP 07 Name: (Same for day and night)
BOX 1: FORWARD Ext 110
All other boxes empty

ACD GRP 8,9,... all empty
BTW - we tried the zero at the end of the message to see if that woould make a difference for terminating it - no change, the ACD still waits reoughly 24 seconds before playing the sub-greeting when we press 2 from the main greeting... :bang:
Waiting for somebody to help out here/ all the years I had at E-Tone, we never once used the Voice Mail for announcements....It can be done, But, I never did it. BUT, let me ask you, does the greeting for Option # 1 play right away?

and what option do you have for ACD? , You might be using simultaneous queing(which means you might look at groups above the number 9, look at group 25 and work your way down)see if there is any info there. also, look at which Scheme you are using (in the Auto Attendant)for AA 1 and AA 2
This system worked properly in the past so it is something that has changed, not something that is the way it always was...

The only sub-menu greeting is option 2. All of the other options are extensions that are dialed imeadiately.
Have you looked at the ACD Status screen as this happens? If a station is logged in but doesn't answer it could cause a delay before a recording.
I have never setup a VMS/ACD call routing application (Always used DVA).

I’ve copied the information from the Executone IDS Manual (Section 405 page 17).

The system sends the contents of the Box# and PF fields of the single line extension connected to the voice mail system and the 2-digit contents of the Mg field from the ACD sequence instruction to the VMS. Program the Box # and PF fields such that when they are combined with the Mg field a mailbox number is created which is meaningful to the voice mail system.

The ACD feature can direct multiple calls to one recording if the calls must wait for a recording.

The INFOSTARlVX2 is only expecting a 4-cligit mailbox number from the IDS. (When programming the VX2, use a separate mailbox for each recorded message. Each mailbox should be programmed for Mailbox Type 208 - ACD Recorder.)

Program the first 2 digits of the mailbox number containing the recorded message as the mailbox number for the single line extension. Leave the PF field blank for the single line extension. Use the Mg field in the ACD Recording instruction to form the last 2 digits of the mailbox number.

Here is an example from that might help you:
Suppose you wish to play the message in mailbox 3769 and single line extension 3002 is connected to the VX2. Program 37 in the Box # field of the single line extension (3002) and leave the PF field blank. Program the Mg field of ACD sequence instruction with the last 2 digits of the mailbox to be played: Recording001, Mg 69. When the VX2 answers, the IDS sends 3 7 6 9 (37 from the Forwarding and VMS Plans screen and 69 from the ACD sequence instruction).

Good Luck!
The other thing about using a DVA is that it can answer up to 6 calls at a time....
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