Does anyone now how to get Comcast to update their Caller ID Name info?

We have a client that is using an AxcessOne PRI thru a Toshiba phone system. All calls going outbound show only the main BTN, as we are not manipulating to show the DID numbers.

The issue, as far as we know, is only when we call a Comcast Voice line the caller ID shows up as "Vending Machine" with a few less characters. Since this client has nothing to do with Vending machines they are looking for us to help them.

We called Comcast directly and they said they have no control over it, even though I believe that they do. I once heard from an AT&T tech that "comcast is notorius for not updating their caller ID tables"
Comcast is selling PRI?

Nope, AxcessOne is selling the PRI. The issue is when we call someone else that has Comcast as THEIR provider. EG the owner's home service of all people...
I don't think Comcast maintains a database.

Because AxcessOne is acting as the LEC, I think they control how the names are recorded in the various databases accessed by other LECs for Caller ID purposes.

I would guess that whichever database Comcast is accessing, is not being updated by AxcessOne and AxcessOne needs to recheck how the ANIs are listed in the various databases.
Thanks for the insight, does anyone know how many databases there are out there? or which one comcast uses?
Somebody correct me, but I've been led to believe that every LEC has their own 'look-up' database. And every LEC does an update 'blast' to all other LECs as needed, ie when a new number is activated. Usually there are 1 or more LECs in any area that are notorious for "missing" 'blasts'. Around here it is a cell carrier, that shall remain unnamed. John C.
In this situation, Comcast is really a CLEC and I'm fairly sure that CLECs and ILECs don't keep such a database.
Time Warner is notorious for not updating their database around here. I would bet that Comcast has the same problem.
We are lucky enough to know someone on the inside at TW so when we have a problem, they can fix it. I wish you all the best...
Comcast does keep a database, we had the same issue when calling Comcast customers from our CLEC-trunked system.

Our CLEC rep provided us the Comcast phone number to call for support. They actually knew what we were asking for, updated their database within a day.

I didn't keep the number, sorry. Maybe your provider can find one for you for your area.
Hey there everyone, I believe I can offer some insight on these issues, since I actually work at Comcast in the ATS dept, which is a tier 2 dept that handles all provisioning and feature issues.

As far as Caller ID names, all telephone companies have subscriptions to a database from Targus - a 3rd party company that maintains the physical upkeep of the main database. Each company updates their records when a new customer comes to their customer. Typical issues are where a customer is complaining that when they call their friend, Jim, who has Verizon for example, the customer's name doesn't display correctly or a different name altogether is being displayed. We would check to see if the customer's name is correct on our end. If it's not, we will update it and the changes will take affect within 24 hours. If the name is correct in the Comcast side of the database, the phone company that Jim has (in this example Jim has Verizon), needs to update their end of the database. At this point, we would advise our customer to contact Verizon to have them update their side of the database.

Unfortunately, in my (and I'm sure many people's opinion), this isn't the best process out there, but it is what it is.

I hope this helps you guys out. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me.
As far as a number to call for these issues to be addressed, we do not currently have on. The best way to have this fixed is by calling 1-866-594-1234 (one of our main numbers) and having the rep put in a repair ticket for Caller-ID. Your problem will fixed within 72 hours.
Thanks for this info; this has been an ongoing problem at many of my AT&T sites. I've spend many hours on the phone trying to get Cox and Comcast to correct Caller ID issues.

You're the first cable company employee I've heard of that has a clue what the issue is and actually seems to care!
So, I called the above number and got lost in the IVR. A live person finally answered, and I was transferred several times.

I was told that because I’m not a Comcast subscriber, I can’t open a ticket. My customer, who is a subscriber, has to call. The CSR didn’t agree with me that this was ridiculous, but did transfer my call. To the wrong department.

Was transferred to the right department, but was told that AT&T had to open the ticket. I pointed out that it wasn’t an AT&T problem, as their records are correct. Got transferred again.

A very pleasant woman named Jen answered the call, understood the problem, and said she would call me back. Within 10 minutes she did call back, and said the problem would be corrected with 48 hours. I asked for a direct number to call, but was told there isn’t one.

It took a little over an hour on the phone, getting bounced around. We’ll see what happens in 48 hours.
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