Posted By: we_keyman_2565 Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 01/29/10 08:40 PM
I want to use the common ringing feature on this ksu. Only problem is, where does the sl/y pair going out to the sets connect on the block inside the ksu? I had that pair wired to line 1 but now I have 2 lines and would like them both to ring at all sets.

Any help would be appreciated!

Posted By: Arthur P. Bloom Re: Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 01/29/10 09:23 PM
You will need to refer to BSP 518-255-401. See page 9, specifically.


The tel set Sl/Y leads are attached to the pairs of pins 27 through 34, row A, that are labeled "B1" & "R1"

There are also pins 35 through 38, row A, that must be strapped for as many lines (1 through 4) that are to ring as a group. These are labeled "CA" (Common Audible)

The 551, however, does not come equipped with a ring generator supply. Originally, an outboard 20B2 power unit was mounted to provide generator, a case of overkill, so later, the 118A frequency generator was introduced. It is a small device, about 2" by 3" by 4", with a short 110Vac cord, and it can be mounted on a bracket (part number 841720857) that fits in a spot in the KSU.

Since even during the time that these were in service, the brackets were made of unobtainium, the field expedient was to mount the 118A with a tie-wrap around, and just in front of the interrupter.

The generator output leads from the 118A are punched down at the lower right, on pins 49 & 50, row E, labeled RG (tip) and 105V+/- (ring).

If you want selective (non "square") ringing, you must provide a diode matrix, generally mounted outboard of the KSU, and you must convert each set for matrix ringing by removing the network capacitor form the ringing circuit.

A less elegant solution is simply to assign the ringers in the tel sets to the T&R of the two CO lines, so some phones ring on line 1 and others ring on line 2. This can accomplished in either of two ways. You can assign the Sl/Y leads at the KSU to the T&R pins of the two lines, or you can open the sets and move the R/Bk ringer leads off RT & RR on the line key to the T & R terminal screws on the key, such as T1/R1, T2/R2, etc.
Posted By: Arthur P. Bloom Re: Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 01/29/10 09:44 PM
by removing the network capacitor form the ringing circuit
..."FROM" the ringing circuit...
Posted By: EV607797 Re: Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 01/30/10 07:07 AM
"Unobtainium".....Too funny and way too true!
Posted By: we_keyman_2565 Re: Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 01/30/10 09:15 AM
I appreciate the help, but this is way over my head!

I just need to know where to punch down the pair at the ksu. It worked before. After I moved, I reinstalled everything but couldn't figure out where to punch down the common ringer going out to the sets.

If anyone can tell me that, I'd be in phone heaven!!

Posted By: EV607797 Re: Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 01/30/10 09:38 AM
Kevin, do you know if your KSU has a ring generator? If not, you can use the CO line to ring just one line on the phone(s) by just connecting the yellow/slate pair to the incoming line right at the KSU.
Posted By: Silversam Re: Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 01/30/10 11:10 AM
Kevin -

Like Ed said, the big question is - do you have a ring generator?

The standard power supply for a shoebox did not come with one. It was an added item, and like Arthur describes, it's usually a little black box that would be wired to the last set of pins on the bottom right side of the system punch block.

If you have one of those, then wire the SL/Y from the phone to one set of the B1/R1 pins on the middle of the left side of the system block. Below them are the CA (Common audible) leads - strap the first two CAs together with a piece of jumper wire. You're in like flint and the phones should ring when either of the lines ring.

If you DON'T have a ringing supply, then you'll have to wire one or more phones to ring on one line and another phone(s) to ring on the other line. This can be done by wiring the Y/S pair across Tip and Ring of each line back at the KSU or by opening the set and moving the Red & Black wires from the ringer off of the Y/S pair to the particular Tip & Ring of the line you want to ring.

You could also add an external telephone bell at each location you want to ring. (The ringer in the set would ring on line 1 and you could wire the external ringer to ring on line 2).

I hope this explains it. If not, come back and ask again.

Posted By: we_keyman_2565 Re: Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 01/30/10 12:02 PM
Hey guys. Yes, it does have a ring generator.
Posted By: we_keyman_2565 Re: Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 01/30/10 12:39 PM
Sam - you're the man! Everything works great! Thanks for your help.

Posted By: Silversam Re: Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 01/30/10 01:33 PM
Glad to hear it worked out. We're always happy to help.

Posted By: Arthur P. Bloom Re: Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 01/30/10 02:08 PM
Tap, tap, thing on?
Posted By: Lightning horse Re: Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 01/30/10 02:26 PM
Yes, it's on Arthur. Sometimes people forget to thank everybody! frown
Posted By: Arthur P. Bloom Re: Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 01/30/10 04:58 PM
It's not about thanks. It's about sharing expertise. Forgive my sarcasm, as I've had a rough day. Weather, fire calls, 40 year old friends having strokes, you know, the usual stuff.

The original question EXACTLY asked about installing common ringers, versus line ringers. It did not mention at all the fact that the wires had come loose, or that the intent was to re-install a formerly working situation.

I posted a direct link to EXACTLY the BSP required for a full understanding of the problem. I then interpreted the BSP EXACTLY in response to the stated question, with EXACTLY the pin numbers, along with the theory of operation in superficial form.

Then a person whose screen name implies a knowledge of, or at least an infatuation with, Western Electric key telephones in the 2565 series says that my explanation is too complex.

If I'm wrong, never hesitate to tell me. I have thick skin, but I am always willing to admit my shortcomings.
Posted By: TexasTechnician Re: Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 01/30/10 05:55 PM
We all have those days Arthur. Here's to a better tomorrow! :toast:
Posted By: we_keyman_2565 Re: Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 01/30/10 06:19 PM
Sorry guys. I thank everyone for their help and expert responses. Arthur, yes, you did answer my question in your first line, however, I too am having one of those days and just couldn't see "the forest for the trees"!

I appreciate all of the help I get from you guys here! I am not an expert, but more of an enthusiast. I've always liked this equipment and now have a working system throughout my home!

Again, thanks and here's to a better tomorrow!
Posted By: Arthur P. Bloom Re: Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 01/30/10 07:02 PM
I'm happy that we kissed and made up. My Ebay name, by the way, is 2565HK-59.

Speaking of relative problems, today's event concerning my friend was frightening. A 40 year old robust man, with three kids, one a newborn, was sitting in his easy chair, eyes open, normal pulse and blood pressure, and could not speak, or focus his eyes. He could not raise his arms when instructed to, nor could he follow a finger that moved in front of him.

We immediately radioed for a medivac, and he's in the hospital undergoing brain surgery.

Makes you realize...
Posted By: Silversam Re: Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 01/30/10 08:25 PM

Posted By: Jim Baldwin Re: Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 02/01/10 04:12 PM
Yeah Arthur thats where I have a problem with all the FREE information given out here to people that are too anxious to have someone tell them how to do somethig and we never hear from them again.
Posted By: justbill Re: Common Ringing on 551C KSU - 02/01/10 05:15 PM
In all fairness to the OP, he did thank folks for the help. He just, as he stated, overlooked a couple, which he corrected.

While you're correct that some don't always thank those who help I think most do.
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