Posted By: PCHD Switching extensions - 01/25/12 07:29 AM
Mitel 5000 - v3.
Recently I had two users who changed offices, but wanted to take their extensions with them. When we tried to physically swap the extensions, they would not work in their new locations. When we swapped them back, they worked fine. Move them, they both stopped working.
So we decided to move them in the system by renumbering the two extensions. We changed x1 to x3 to free number 1. We then numbered x2 to x1, and then changed x3 (the old x1), to x2.
However, now extensions 1 and 2 state they have each others voice mail still.
Is there a way to hook the voice mailboxes up with their correct extensions?
Currently x1 has x2's voice mailbox and vice-versa.
Posted By: DND ON Re: Switching extensions - 01/25/12 08:07 AM
Delete and recreate the mailboxes.

Easier to do a station swap on the admin keyset.
Posted By: Stix1 Re: Switching extensions - 01/25/12 08:17 AM
You should never do the swapping in the system like that (renumbering) because of what you learned regarding the voice mail's.

Not sure why the physical swap didn't work unless the model of phones were different. The 85xx series phones used pins 3 and 6 at the jack while the Mitel 52xx and 53xx digital phones use pins 4 and 5.

You're best bet at this point would be to change both extensions to None in programming and then re-create them in their new locations. The voice mail's will re-associate properly.

*I highly recommend this to be done by a certified tech as you must re-program the extensions from scratch. They will automatically be removed from any hunt groups, extension lists, page zones, digit translations, etc. Everything will be default on the extension as well: Associated extensions, system forwarding paths, flags, etc.
Posted By: Stix1 Re: Switching extensions - 01/25/12 12:18 PM
Just realized that DND ON posted earlier while I was posting......

His solution is actually better as far as not having to re-program so many things on the station side. The mailboxes will still need to be added back into any group lists or digit translations where they may or may not have been in the first place.

I 2nd the vote for doing the swap on the admin keyset as well.
Posted By: MEM5449 Re: Switching extensions - 08/31/12 09:33 PM
If you are an on-site employee, I think swapping the cross-connect wires [in phone closet/room] and re-punching is the easiest way to do a station swap.

However, if you would rather do it in software, this is what I usually do...
Example: extensions 101 and 102 want to switch offices.
1. In programming, change both ext numbers to unused numbers which are easy for you to keep track of. Make note of what circuit numbers they WERE on. In this example, that might be 201 and 202 respectively.
2. Now the swap. Change ext 201 to 102 and 202 to 101. when you make this change, the system will automatically ask you to re-associate the voice mailboxes with the proper extension.

Hope this helps.
Posted By: DND ON Re: Switching extensions - 08/31/12 10:17 PM
If you are on site, the absolute easiest method is swapping at the admin keyset.

All programming follows the correct station, and you can have the job completed faster than you can pull your punch tool out of its holster.
Posted By: reaser Re: Switching extensions - 11/28/12 02:30 PM
How do you perform a swap from the admin phone? I know i've seen it on the forums before but can't seem to find it.
Posted By: superfoneguy Re: Switching extensions - 11/28/12 04:15 PM
Press the 'Infinity' key then 9932,242, enter 1st extension and pound, then 2nd extension and pound. Yer done.
Posted By: reaser Re: Switching extensions - 11/29/12 03:21 PM
Yea thanks guys, I kept searching and was able to find a PDF online with this information. Worked like a charm. Thanks again!
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