Posted By: daninelson Extention needs to be blocked - 10/21/18 07:50 AM
We have the Mitel SX-50 phone at work, and the wiring in the whole building is old so just warning you before hand, but the problem is that the "breakfast room" ext 406 is starting to call through to the front desk phone. The issue is I have removed the phone from the breakfast room and I have unplugged it from the phone jack and we even tried to cut it off at the source at the breaker box or telephone line box where they all come together, however none of this has stopped the extension from ringing through. We will put the phone in NIGHT mode so it gets sent to the phone in the laundry room and will unplug the Mitel SX-50 for about 15 mins and that will help for about a half an hour to an hour and then 406 starts ringing through again. This is getting really aggravating we have to have the Mitel plugged in to send faxes over to the printer and it took me over half an hour to get it because I kept having to answer 406. So is there a way to block the specific extension from calling the front desk phone? Or any other ways to stop this nonsense? All help is welcomed seriously anything..... its about to be me or the phone, we keep missing actual guest calls because we have to waste time on this issue, or I am in the laundry room at least 30 feet away from my computer trying to help guests with reservations or confirming accounts and I have to put them on hold ( old land line phone so literally set them down) and get all the info I need and return to help them or I have to call them back both options are bad for business and ticking off my crew and I.

Thank you for your help, and have a good day.
Posted By: tonysprout Re: Extention needs to be blocked - 11/07/18 08:32 PM
Sounds like an issue with the port on the station card. Option 1. Delete the extension in the database. Option 2, Move the extension to an unused port. Both options require an onsite technician.
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