Posted By: Mike Evans Nortel Vs Rolm - 11/20/07 05:48 PM
Hello All,

I recently got transferred to another hospital within our network(recently meaning they asked at quitting time last night if I'd start there today). Unfortunately, my bosses, who are all IT pukes (not too much offense intended) expect that my experience and knowledge base - which is mostly Norstar with a bit of DMS 100 and Avaya definity - will carry over to the Rolm 9751 switch this hospital has, and that I'll be able to save the day after they decided to fire the previous tech without bothering to find out what exactly she did, her access passwords, etc. Any Nortel techs out there with Rolm PBX experience that can give me a few pointers? Just as a side note, the only other Rolmphone I've ever even seen was in Macy's while I was on the checkout line holding bags for my wife... I have no clue what it is I'm supposed to be looking at! eek :shrug:
Posted By: telemarv Re: Nortel Vs Rolm - 11/20/07 06:32 PM
Good Luck Mike. I have no clue. Get the boss to send you on training.
Posted By: EV607797 Re: Nortel Vs Rolm - 11/20/07 06:45 PM
Wow, Mike. You are certainly dealing with two completely different beasts for sure. As for wiring work, both systems are no-brainers. Aside from that, you are going to need to learn a lot in grand fashion. I'm going to send you the number of a friend of mine in your area who is a former Rolm technician via private message. He might be able to help you get started. He's in Nesconset, NY. I assume that's close enough to give you a starting point.
Posted By: Mike Evans Re: Nortel Vs Rolm - 11/20/07 07:53 PM
Thanks! Nesconset is right around the corner. I just read through the manual, and it sounds like they won't even create a user name/logon for me until I complete their system manager course. Hope training is in the budget! wink
Posted By: QOS Re: Nortel Vs Rolm - 11/26/07 07:38 PM
Hey Mike, I read your post a week ago but just now got around to replying. I don't have any Rolm's to work on anymore and I miss them. The 9751 is one of the most solid switches ever made and I bet you'll have no problem with it. Watch out for your toner on digital ports, it will burn most of them up in about 30 mins. That's not much time when you're running from IDF to IDF in a hospital. One thing I really miss (And used a lot.) about the Rolm is the ability to pull reports on unequipped digital stations.
Posted By: JJ Re: Nortel Vs Rolm - 12/07/07 02:21 PM
ROLM has a very solid switch. I worked on the 7000 and 8000 system in the military. You will be able to pick it up preety easy. There is a backdoor password for them, but only ROLM engineers have it. They used to access systems remotly and reset password for a fee.

Good Luck!!
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