1. Remove all unused trunks from the trunk group, probably trunk group 1.

2. & 3. The only way to accomplish these at the same time is to direct all calls to a night bell. or bells. (Remember, 'nite bell' is "night" in name only) Then do TAFAS (Trunk Answer From Any Extension) from extension or console. Extension(s) must have TAFAS enabled in their COS. The console cannot be in a ring group, and calls directed to the Ring Group cannot be picked up by extensions outside the ring group, including the console.

4. How do you know that the printer is in good working condition. Can you put it on the serial port of a computer and print to it?

" However when hooked up to the Mitel system, it does nothing."
Truly nothing, or just garbage? Truly nothing, assuming the printer REALLY works, probably means the SMDR, Wake Up, and Alarm print out functions are not 'turned on'. It is possible for the serial port in the Mitel to be inoperative, however. John C.

When I was young, I was Liberal. As I aged and wised up, I became Conservative. Now that I'm old, I have settled on Curmudgeon.