tg, odin30 IS the owner. (oops smile )

That said, I'm afraid you have corrupted the program. Replace the battery BEFORE you get it reprogrammed! It's either a CR2032 "Coin Battery", or a a 3-legged (No other way to describe it) Tadiran TL5135. The coin battery is easy to find, even Wal-Marts in the U.S. carry it. The TL5135, on the other hand is tough. I get mine from Digi-Key in Minnesota (I think that's where they are). It's located on the little black box looking thing above the reset button on the right side of the steel framwork.

And I do wish I was in a position to go to Canada right now. I'll bet it's beautiful this time of year! Possibly someone else is thinking about a fall vacation.

When I was young, I was Liberal. As I aged and wised up, I became Conservative. Now that I'm old, I have settled on Curmudgeon.