First off, it is a IDS 108 w/ACPU. The customer has one existing ACD group. They wanted to answer it with a message first, so I set it up as two groups as suggested by the manual. Grp. 15 answers(thank you for calling) then transfers to Grp. 1, MOH then message(all agents busy) MOH then then message(all agents still busy) then loops back. This works fine and is what customer wants. This group has 4 lines they are covering and 2-4 agents. The customer wants to add a second group covering 2 lines with 1-2 agents in the same way. All that to ask this question, would this beto much traffic for a single DVA? Currently it has to play the 3 messages, would adding three more messages be to much? I assume that it fudges the que if their are multiple calls needing to go tothe DVA. I would appreciate your input.


[This message has been edited by Bigkayeh (edited May 27, 2004).]