I'm using Session Manager to manage 3 locations. Today, I can only successfully connect to 2 of them. When I connect to a site via IP address, it says connecting, ASAI connected and loads the Database info. For the site with the problem, it says 'waiting for socket connection', then gives a DataLink socket error - connection refused. I can successfully ping all the IP address for all 3 sites. I have reset all the cards (LSC, CPC, IPRC, DKSC and Power). I have restarted the Session Mgr PC. The phones and system are all functioning fine except 'getting an outside line' says 'invalid extension number'. Calls are comming in and interoffice calls work. Don't know what to do. No outside lines and no db/software through Session Mgr for the 1 site. No changes to the session settings - working until now since 2005.