Hi guys,

I recently moved an unused voicemail box to a line without voicemail for a new guy. He had been using this line without voicemail for months.

I removed the old line from hunt group 7, deleted the mailbox, and initialized the mailbox on the new line. It picked up and worked fine so I left thinking everything was OK.

2 days later one of the other employees called me saying that incoming calls were now ringing at extension 15 and 35 randomly. Extension 35 was not being used so they simply unplugged it. Now every 3rd call rings at extension 15 as long as its not in DND mode. When x15 is in DND and x35 is unplugged it rings at x10 as expected.

Now, the other employee that called me admitted to reading the manual and 'trying a few things' but had no other info than that. Of course I make the trip to this location today and said employee is nowhere to be found.

I know enough about this system to hop on extension 10 and be dangerous, but I have no troubleshooting skills. Can you guys give me a push in the right direction on which settings to check?