I have a UX5000 where Intramail was initially assigned to ports 49-64 when this was a 64 port system. System was upgraded for addditional ports sometime later.

The Intramail is an 8-port unit, so actually uses ports 49-56.

I added a 16 port digital station card later, and it assigned itself to port 57 as starting port which is correct. The problem is - in WebPro view, Intramail is still using 16 ports. (49-64) PCPro shows it it using 49-56.

So, I have a conflict with the station card using its first 8 ports in conflict with what the system thinks are reserved for Intramail.........

I am trying to figure out the simplest way to correct this issue - as any phones assigned to those conflicting ports (57-64)do not function properly.

I am open to suggestions - my initial attempts at fixing this have been unsuccessful to say the least.
