Hello Canada (got any Newfie jokes for me?)

When an American company runs into trouble, it's common to sacrifice their current Joe to the volcano and hope that the investor gods will be pleased. I don't know if this stuff isn't newsworthy or if the trick of pinning every sin on the previous guy and killing him still works.

Chapter 11 used to be embarrassing, but today it's "just a business move". This seems to be true for personal bankruptcy as well. I knew a guy at Motorola that was told to run up his cards before he filed and he managed to get a new car. But that's another story.

All in all, they're talking about $125 million. In the US business economy these days, that's chump change. That said, I would be livid as an investor and grateful to the media for whipping it up. Most of that is "new money" based on excitement and lack of disclosure.

Anyway, thank you for the vote on IP Office. Look for a card from the beaches of Costa Rica around September 2027.

"Press play and record at the same time" -- Tim Alberstein