Posted By: jweaks DK40i station stopped ringing - 01/10/06 05:58 AM
I'm puzzled by a problem that just cropped up...

When we added our voicemail it caused some of the extensions to change. Station 25 became station 29.

So, station 29 stopped ringing. That seemed pretty easy to fix. I found out station 29 was port 019 and I put 019 into Program 81. The station started to ring, but then... when we returned to the office on Monday the station no longer rings.

I checked program 81 again to see if I had made an error, but everything looks okay. That port is on immediate ring for all 4 CO lines. It most definitely did ring for one day and now no ring.

It does light up on all lines just no ring.


Posted By: phonemeister Re: DK40i station stopped ringing - 01/10/06 09:33 AM
Did you check for day2 and night mode? Is the phone in dnd?
Posted By: Amy DeBruyne Re: DK40i station stopped ringing - 01/10/06 01:56 PM
The extensions changed most likely because when you installed the VM it "pushed" out extensions. What ports did you use for VM? Is it an extenal or internal VM?
You have a DK16e or DK40 or DK 40i. When you added a 4 port single line card to your base cabinet, the extensions moved up by four.

You have to change the day and night ringing for every extension that was numbered 18 or higher in 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 or 89, what ever you used.

18 is now 22, 19 is now 23, etc.
Posted By: jweaks Re: DK40i station stopped ringing - 01/19/06 05:55 AM
I'm still having a problem with this. I know the system quite well by now and this is puzzling.

I have two extensions that are doing this. I made sure they were in Prog 81, but something is still off... strange behavior... one does not ring at all and the other rings occasionally.

I guess I need to check the other 8* progs and see if something is wrong.

I don't how they could be in DND mode... these ports should not have been programmed since they were not in use prior to the VM installation.

Posted By: breed Re: DK40i station stopped ringing - 01/20/06 09:19 PM
Amy and Bunnie are correct you are off by 4 extensions/port numbers and that is why you are having the problem. If you would like professional help I have a technician that lives in Durham who can help you. We have been a Toshiba dealer for 20+ years. Feel free to email me.
Digital ports are 000, 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007.

Voicemail ports are 008, 009, 010, 011.

Extension cab. digital ports are 012, 013, 014, 015, 016, 017, 018, 019, 020, 021, 022, 023, 024, 025, 026.

Look in 81 and go port by port, you can figure out your programming, it is not hard if you check each port, port by port.
Posted By: Steve Mull Re: DK40i station stopped ringing - 01/23/06 07:56 AM
double check in program 04 that your system is square.
Posted By: jweaks Re: DK40i station stopped ringing - 01/24/06 07:47 AM
I hope I have this fixed now. The 2 extensions that are troubling me are 29 and 32. They correspond to ports 19 and 22... don't know why they were numbered that way. Anyhow... I lit up all the LEDs in prog 81 instead of just 1-4 and I think that did the trick... I'm still checking it. I have no idea why LEDs beyond 4 would have any effect we only have 4 lines.

Will lighting up all LEDs in prog 81 cause me any kind of trouble?

Oh no, you didn't turn on extra leds without paying the license fee did you?

Just kidding.

Your dial tones are 001 on the bottom left button (it would be your intercom button usually but the intercom is not counted when programming lines,) 002 on the next button up, etc.

If you only have four lines, you only turn on the first, second, third and fourth buttons on the left on a 20 button phone from the bottom up.

Turning on other LEDs has no effect.

Make sure it is the bottom 4 buttons, some people think they should count the intercom button and then line one does not ring, only two, three and four.

All that happened here is that the port number and the extension number of your phones moved up four numbers from your old extension eighteen on up.

If you go to any display phone or put a display there temporarily, and dial [Intercom] # 4 0 2 it will tell you the port number in the display window and you won't be confused.
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