Just recently, the power to our DK280 system has gone out. That is, the phones are completely dead, can't intercom each other, et cetera.

What's the best way to diagnose the problem? My first guess would be a dead power supply.

I removed the cover of the system, and saw the white on/off switch, as well as three little buttons. I toggled the switch and pressed the buttons (in no particular order), but had no luck.

As I don't have a spare supply currently, is there anything else I can do to nail down what exactly the problem is? Or from this description, does it seem fairly likely that the PSU simply died?

If it is likely I'll need a new PSU, any suggestions on where to grab one? Do local telecom stores usually carry something like this, or would my best bet be something like eBay?

Thanks for your time!

It has been my experience with these systems that the power supplies do fail, in fact the PSU is the most common point of failure. I was discussing this with a coworker the other day and was told that they are in fairly short supply. You won't be able to buy a new one, so used/refurbished is likely to be your only option. You might want to click on the Sundance logo (the sponsor of this forum) at the top of this page as a good place to start.

I'd grab an extra one if possible...

I'd also avoid e-Bay for this since you really never know what you are getting when it comes to these kinds of things.
You can try to press all three of the power supply reset buttons in at the same time , if that doesn't work , get another power supply. You can check and see if there is a Toshiba dealer in your area , they would probably have one
TRy this...

pull all of the cards except the proc. and the pdku that is most likely in slot 1. Reset the power and press the 3 ps reset buttons. If the phones on the first pdku come back on then you have a bad card (most likely an rstu) plug the cards back in one at a time and test the phones each time until they go out. The last card you plug in that takes down the system is the bad one.
Thanks for the suggestions! I will try pulling the cards.

By the way, is there supposed to be some sort of LED on when the unit has power? I never paid attention to it in the past, so I'm not sure if there is one. Currently, the way I have been testing is by pressing the reset buttons and then running up to a different room to see if the phone's LCD screen lights back up.
By the way, here is a picture of the innards of the phone system. I just want to make sure I have everything correct.

[Linked Image from]

The first card is the processor; right? Anyway, I tried removing the different cards and then pressing the three reset buttons, but nothing seems to have happened.

Note: None of those red LEDs are really on. The camera flash just makes them look lit up.
There should be lights lit on power supply and
Processor card.

Did you check the A/C outlet to make sure it's good. Plug in anything pencil sharpener ,lamp ,radio,if thats good
Take the advice of all above
and get a power supply.

You can start @ link above for equipment.If they dont have ,Iam sure they can find you a ref supply in a heartbeat, and give you a heartbeat back in your processor.

Good Luck
I'm facing a similar issue. New cust called from the dark so I got no history. 2 shelf with both PS out. Very odd I thought, so I ordered up 2 replacements. They arrived last night, so I pluggged 1 in at home, but there is no LED for power. Did I get a bad one, blow it up due to no load, or does it need signalling from the CPU to look happy? Also if it is indeed just a bad PS, what are my odds of not having to completely reprogram as it has been down for about 3 weeks?

As always, Thanks for the help guys!
On the fron of the power supply there is a spot for a small white jumper marked DKSUB/DKSUE or so. for the PS to operate standalone, you must have a plug with a jumper wire there. If that jack is empty or has the blank protector plug in it, it becomes a slave PS and is looking for a signal from the Master PS in the Base cabinet to turn on.

I had the jumper thing right, but the first PS I tried was DOA. I was tentative about trying the other without asking about it before proceeding. The 2nd one is good, and I found the internal fuse was unseated on the 1st one. I'm still hopin' I don't have to reprogram though. [Linked Image from]
If the battery strap in enabled on the processor, you shouldn't have to re-program. That battery should maintain the database for up to 6 years.
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