Posted By: Reno George Stratagy-IPV8 PhDN MWI question - 05/23/12 02:15 PM
I have created a phantom DN (52) that appears on buttons on 2 phones. I have created mailbox 52 and PhDN MW buttons on the same 2 phones. I can't get the MW buttons to work. Does ownership of the PhDN matter? What string (syntax) would I use for notification templates? Thanks in advance.
Posted By: phonemeister Re: Stratagy-IPV8 PhDN MWI question - 05/23/12 02:20 PM
Originally posted by Reno George:
I have created a phantom DN (52) that appears on buttons on 2 phones. I have created mailbox 52 and PhDN MW buttons on the same 2 phones.
If you want two stations to have a MW button for one mailbox, then each station has to have its own PhDN and PhDN MW key. And the voicemail has to notify both PhDNs. In addtion, you need to assign ownership of the PhDNs.
Posted By: Reno George Re: Stratagy-IPV8 PhDN MWI question - 05/23/12 05:32 PM
As I stated in my first post, I have created PhDN and PhDnMW buttons on two sets. What does ownership have to do with the issue? Who should the owner be? Either one of the stations, or possibly both?
Could you also please explain the notification template for voicemail. I understand that v/m has to send the notification, but what is he syntax for the template, or where whould I find the info?
Thanks again.
Posted By: newtecky Re: Stratagy-IPV8 PhDN MWI question - 05/23/12 05:55 PM
The PhDBMW will only work on the owner of the phantom on that phone. If you create 1 phantom on 2 phones, it wont work. One of the phones has to be the owner, then only the message waiting on that phone will blink. One owner per Phantom.

If you want 2 phones to have a message waiting indicator, the each hhave to have a different PHDN on each phone, and be the owner of that phantom.

You would use multiple notification templates to light each MWI for a message.
Posted By: Reno George Re: Stratagy-IPV8 PhDN MWI question - 05/23/12 06:00 PM
Maybe I'm not stating my situation correctly. I have 2 stations that I would like to have notification that there is a message in a shared mailbox. How would I best accomplish this? Thanks.
Posted By: newtecky Re: Stratagy-IPV8 PhDN MWI question - 05/23/12 06:12 PM
I know. This is what many Toshiba techs have to work through when doing shared mailboxes.

Each phone has to have a differnt Phantom. Each phantom will have 1 owner.

To have multiple phones hame a worrking MWI, you have to create the phantonms, set the owner, set the VMID to the shared mailbox, then create a light on, and a light off for each Phantom you created. If you have 2 phones, you would have 4 notifications.

I don't rememebr if there is a template for a light on variable or not, or if you had to create one.

It is a bit complicated the 1st couple times, even for many Toshiba techs.
Posted By: phonemeister Re: Stratagy-IPV8 PhDN MWI question - 05/23/12 10:43 PM
Originally posted by Reno George:
As I stated in my first post, I have created PhDN and PhDnMW buttons on two sets. What does ownership have to do with the issue?
Like I said both stations must have their own PhDN and PhDN MW. If you have PhDN 52 on two stations, and one of those stations is the owner, then the PhDN MW will work only on the owner's phone and not on the other station even though it has the same PhDN. Therefore, the other station must have its own PhDN (53 for example) and be the owner of that PhDN. The mailbox will require two 'Light On' notification templates, one for each PhDN. Ownership of a PhDN should always be specified. That's why program *33 exists.
Posted By: Reno George Re: Stratagy-IPV8 PhDN MWI question - 05/30/12 07:54 PM
Thanks everyone for your help. I haven't gotten back to this, but it sounds straightforward. From reading the Stratagy programming manual, I think it's the %V variable in the on/off string that I modify to the additional PhDN for the additional PhDN MWI.
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