Posted By: TexasTechnician Wireless connection problems - 06/30/06 08:20 AM
I keep having a problem when I connect to wireless connection while traveling or at a customer's location that has an "open" network.

I am able to connect to the network and the connection manager software ( Linksys ) says I am connected but "the internet can't be found".

I am able to ping the gateway with no problem but I can't ping

I have been able to connect to other secured networks by going into their router and allowing my mac address and use the correct password and all is well.

I have disabled my firewall so that should not be causing the problem.

The computer is an HP pavilion model: ze4500 but it has a sticker that says ze4575wm.

The OS is Windows XP Pro.

The wireless network card is Linksys model:wpc54g ver.5

I create a profile in the connection software and the whole nine yards but nothing seems to work.

A friend of mine brought his laptop to a job site and he could connect to the network and surf the net all day without a glitch so it has to be something I have not set correctly.

Any ideas on this looney problem?
Posted By: junkman Re: Wireless connection problems - 06/30/06 08:28 AM
DNS? If your DNS server numbers aren't right, you won't be able to get to anything by name. Instead of pinging try instead. That's yahoo's IP. If you can ping that, your DNS numbers aren't right. Try using for a DNS server, that one belongs to SBC.

It's possible that the wireless network you're connected to doesn't supply a DNS number when you connect.
Posted By: TexasTechnician Re: Wireless connection problems - 06/30/06 08:35 AM
Yep, I've tried static ip addresses with SBC's DNS servers ( That's what I use at home too ) and also dynamic ip addresses but it always says the same thing.
Posted By: RobCalltrol Re: Wireless connection problems - 06/30/06 11:27 AM
"I am able to connect to the network and the connection manager software ( Linksys ) says I am connected but "the internet can't be found"."

Just a possibility:
Linksys Connection Manager Software

XP shouldn't need it. I'd bet that the other guys laptop isn't using it.
Posted By: TexasTechnician Re: Wireless connection problems - 07/01/06 07:43 AM
The other guy's laptop has an internal wireless card so he doesn't need the linksys software.

This is the second Linksys card I've used and both have the same problem. The first card was wireless B, so I bought the next one which is wireless G and the software was different for each card.

I have removed the linksys software and tried to configure the connection without it but the computer won't do anything with the card. But that may be because I'm not going about it correctly.

I have seen this same problem posted in other forums and I think there was only one case that was resolved and that was because he was using McAfee anti-virus software, when he shut it down I think he was able to connect.

I'm not using McAfee but I do have anti-virus software. I'm not too sure I want to turn it off for any length of time. I'll try it the next time to see if that is the problem.

Calling Linksys is not something I wish to do again. I can't understand their accent and they sure as hell can't understand my Texas accent. LoL
Posted By: junkman Re: Wireless connection problems - 07/01/06 08:47 AM
Try uninstalling the Linksys software and drivers, then let XP install just the driver. Like Rob said, XP manages the wireless connection.
Posted By: TexasTechnician Re: Wireless connection problems - 07/01/06 09:04 AM
Thanks guys, I'll give that a whirl. I have an up to date back up of the system status so I can always "go back" if I have to. That back up has saved my rear on many occasions. It's better than restore points in my book.
Posted By: MacGyver Re: Wireless connection problems - 07/01/06 12:09 PM
Bobby, I'm with them. I really avoid 3rd party wireless software when possible. Also, try pinging and see if you get a reply. If you do use that as your static DNS. It's a really good one.

Lastly, I stop at the Whataburger in Greenville everytime I pass through for breakfast but I can't remember if it's a hotspot yet. If so the Whataburger locations make good open test points and they're on 802.11b. I've never had one of our PDAs or Laptops not get online there.

If that doesn't work let me know next time you're this direction and we'll make it work. :thumb:
Posted By: TexasTechnician Re: Wireless connection problems - 07/01/06 03:28 PM
Update, I managed to get the Linksys out of the system and can connect to my own secure network and surf the net with no problems. ( But now I have to go back into my firewall and setup new rules )

I had forgotten I disabled "Wireless Zero Configuration" in services in order to make this machine run as fast as possible. That's why the pc couldn't do anything with the card the last time I tried it.

Tracy, I never thought of Whataburger as a hotspot. I have heard that the truck stop at exit 94B is a hot spot if you ever need it. Next time you are here for breakfast I'll buy your breakfast at IHOP if you like to eat there. Or maybe even Cracker Barrel if you want. Just call and let me know my friend. smile

Edit: I do get a reply when I ping Are you saying I should use that as my DNS server IP address from now on? What is that? And who is that? And why is the sky blue? LoL
Posted By: MacGyver Re: Wireless connection problems - 07/01/06 06:16 PM is a very good DNS server. The IP addresses around it are good too, but I can always remember when I'm trying a ping test to see if I can ping by address.

Yes, if you can ping it then you are getting out the gate and it appears that you are having trouble resolving by name, so try that as your primary static DNS entry.

I have to use those on some of our firewalls as if two locations are in the same subnet (as when they're both on the same provider) we have trouble resolving by name when a VPN Tunnel is active. By using a foreign DNS it resolves the issue.
Posted By: junkman Re: Wireless connection problems - 07/01/06 06:39 PM
Thanks for the easy number to remember, my other techs will appreciate it. I usually use one of the several addresses I manage as a ping test, but nobody else can remember them.
Posted By: MacGyver Re: Wireless connection problems - 07/01/06 07:18 PM
No problem Joe. - are all good foreign DNS Servers and work well for ping tests. We've been wearing them out this weekend on a datacenter relocate :thumb:
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