I found this potential lead from another forum that I am a member of. Passing it onto you all here if anyone wants to take a stab at it.

"I have a client with an old Toshiba phone system. “The Guy” who knows the system at their phone vendor left the company, and no one knows how to manage it. I need to support it for a while until we can replace it.
It is a Strata CTX100 Model: CHSUB112A & CHSUE112A. There are about 60 phones.
They are located in Southern New Jersey (Vineland)
If you work with this system, let me know if you’re interested in working on this with me. When I know what’s involved, we can work out compensation."

Send me a PM and I'll forward you the contact person's info.
I maybe able to help you work through the programming
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