Posted By: fishenfool ESI Systems - 03/24/06 08:19 AM
We are considering taking on ESI as another product in our line up. We already carry Mitel and Inter-Tel. I would like to know your general opinion of ESI and I would also like to know if installation times are faster than other systems. Thanks a lot, I've learned a lot on this forum and I respect your opinions.
Posted By: SST Re: ESI Systems - 03/24/06 08:56 AM
ESI is very user and installer friendly. I've found the hardware to be pretty reliable. Most troubles are software related and are usually corrected fairly quickly by esi remotely. Inventory is really simple. Although, the warranty starts when the dealer buys the product not when the dealer sells it.

P.S. I caught a nice 5 lb Sandbass on a scampi the other day. Can't wait 'till the water warms up and the Yellowtail and Tunas start to show!
Posted By: upstateny Re: ESI Systems - 03/24/06 09:57 AM
I've been selling it for over 3 years and am very happy. Product is good, tech support is good, reseller support is good. I am waiting for the striped bass to run up the Hudson River to spawn. Killer fishing for about 3 weeks.
Posted By: Sydeshow MO Re: ESI Systems - 03/24/06 01:12 PM
I have been selling and installing ESI for about 8 years now. Tech support is better than any other product we carry. ESI is also a debt free privately held company. This is why you get the feeling that the manufacturer actually cares.

I took a road trip to S. California for 7 days and got 6 systems installed including a large X-Class. Training and implementation 100% complete.

I also sell and install Avaya, Cisco, and Nortel. ESI is always recommended first.

Fish and Game has now givin us a smaller window for Salmon fishing. One month... Booo!
Posted By: Doug C Re: ESI Systems - 10/30/06 12:31 PM
We have been installing ESI for about 3 years now... Their Tech Support has been the best out of any system we have sold and the user friendly-ness is by far the best for the installer and user. Awesome stuff!
Posted By: Wire Rat Re: ESI Systems - 10/31/06 05:52 AM
I've been installing ESI for a few months now and it is one of the more user friendly systems I've ever encountered in the 10yrs or so in the field. I particularly like the fact that on most of the systems it has the option to hook up to the network so making changes from the office is a breeze.

BTW.... went fishing the other day and caught a fish this big! |--------------------------------------------------| smile
Posted By: TraderDave Re: ESI Systems - 10/31/06 10:09 AM
Hello - I have seen a lot of talk regarding the E- and X-class phone systems. I am considering an S-class system for my small business. Any comments about this system vs. the Panasonic KX-TDA50? I am leaning strongly toward the ESI system but thought I'd check with the experts first wink
Posted By: 5years&counting Re: ESI Systems - 10/31/06 01:15 PM
The S-Class is a very good system. However, it doesn't meet the needs of some customers (due to size and feature-set). I think the TDA50 is probably better compared to the E-Class and X-Class. On the other hand, the S-Class generally has a better price-point than the E-Class; it really depends on your needs. You should talk to your local ESI dealer. They will be able to assess your needs, help you decide which best fits, and also give you some good comparisons to other systems that you are comparing it to. If you need help finding a local dealer, contact ESI.

I would also suggest to you that you will get more information and help from folks here if you complete your profile. Thanks! and welcome
Posted By: Winetech Re: ESI Systems - 10/31/06 03:11 PM
e-class is better priced on a sclass over 8x16 or if you want ACD, i really only sell e-class unless it is a 4x8 and they are not going to grow much, but that just me
Posted By: TraderDave Re: ESI Systems - 11/02/06 07:05 AM
Just wanted to thank you all for your comments/input. Based on the positive responses here, as well as my own impressions of the two systems, we decided to go with the ESI S-Class. I think it is a much better value overall vs. the Panasonic system and I felt more comfortable with the reps from the ESI dealer. The systems' pricing was nearly identical so it really came down to qualitative factors such as service, location, etc.

Thanks again!
Posted By: Sydeshow MO Re: ESI Systems - 11/14/06 11:46 AM
Good decision...

I havent touched a Panasonic in about 8 years and dont plan to in the future.
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