Hey guys - Skip suggested I post this in here. I hesitated as I didn't know if for sale postings were frowned upon in these forums.

I have up for auction 5 of the phones from when I cutover my Grandmother's (Phyllis Diller) system to an Avaya Partner (thanks to the help of the community).

Check em out here: xxxx

And thanks to Matt1964 for the idea of doing this. Guy's a genius I tell ya.

**edited out link read your pm**
Genius? That's a good one!!!! :rofl:

But seriously, I gotta think this is gonna make ya some good cash.

I'll go ahead and share the story of the Johnny Carson phone auction. Most of the people that visit this forum were probably avid viewers. Or at least were like me, due to the hour -relegated to my room to sleep while your parents and/or older siblings watched the show.

Anyway, you may remember he had a phone in a wood panel box. Some "clever" people on EBay listed a phone that was identical in appearance to the one he had on the show (that is, identical to the one he had, and the probably 100,000 others of that model) ... and worded the ad ever so cleverly.... coming right up to the point of saying it was his phone from the show, but if you read the wording slowly, and closely, you could see that they never actually said so.

I mean they couldn't have come any closer to saying it was his ... without actually saying it was his.

So, somewhere in the world there is someone who has a phone, and tells his guests it was Johnny Carsons phone from the Tonight Show. Uh huh..... and George Castanza also has Jon Voights old car.

As I recall, the final bid was over $300, and I wanna say $500... but I don't remember for sure.

Anyway, you've gone out of your way to prove these are the real deal. Getting Miss Diller to pose with each one is above and beyond, IMO. The spotlight is a nice touch as well.

Can you share any of her words when you told her what you were gonna do? Was she like - get out of here, these are just old junk, who could possibly want these? - or was it the opposite?

She sure looks like she was having fun posing with each phone. Was it her idea to also include the other photo from her movie?

Ah well, I don't know if she's still playing the casino circuit, but if so, and if I win one of these, I'll have to show up and see if there's any possibility of getting her to autograph it.

I bet she would think it was hilarious.

Somehow though, I kinda doubt I'd make it into the casino carrying a phone in the first place, let alone anywhere near her.

I can see it now: Uh, Miss Diller, there's some nutbag out here who says he has one of your phones and he wants to know if you'll autograph it. You want we should whack him now, or wait till he's leaving the casino?

Yep, I'm a genius allright..... lol. :rofl:
I think that this is a great idea. As the proud recipient of her personalized and autographed glossy PLUS her book in return for the little bit of assistance I provided, I know that these sales will soon be collector's items. It seems as if she found this transition to be a bit "humorous". Imagine that?
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