Posted By: Telephonemaven Using 2563HBMS with 4A speakerphone - 12/13/09 04:47 PM

I have some 2565 6-button business phones in corresponding 4A speaker phone setups using 82-type connecting blocks, and they works perfectly with a 620 panel. I just tried to substitute a 2563HBMS set with a headset jack for one of the 2565s, and it wouldn't work at all -- everything was completely dead.

I checked Section 512-700-100 of the BSP, and it didn't specify that the 4A speaker phone wasn't designed to work with a 2563 set. Section 502-543-400 of the BSP, which deals with 2563HB sets, doesn't mention that the 2563 set wasn't designed to work with a 4A speaker phone, but the diagram of the 2563 doesn't include any of the leads normally used with a 4A speaker phone, e.g., no TI, RI, IT, AG or LK leads are shown on the 2563 diagram.

Am I correct in assuming that the 2563 set will not work in conjunction with the 4A speaker phone?

Thanks, Bill
Two things to look for:

Does the plug on the mounting cord have all 50 pins equipped?

Does the cord have the V/Gr, V/Br, and V/Sl pairs inside the phone?

Those three pairs are needed to make the speakerphone work.
Arthur, thanks for the reply.

I found the following with the 2563HB, which probably indicates it was never intended to work with a 4A speaker phone:

1. The S-V, V-G, V-BR, BR-V and G-V pairs were all insulated and stored (under the 636A key).
2. The 35Y3a touch pad in the 2563 set would require more leads than it currently has, e.g., the BR-V needs a V on the touch pad and there isn't one. There are other differences between the touch pad diagram for the 2563 versus the 2565.
3. The G-V could go to C on the network; V-BR goes to 8; and V-G could go to G on the network; the S-V could go to L1 on the network.

I don't want to "gink" this 1985 nicely refurbished set up, but I have a couple of other 2563 clunkers in the basement, and I'll open them up for a closer look.

Thanks again for your help, but my first impression is that the 2563 wasn't intended to work with a 4A speaker phone.

Bill, I think that 563 and 2563 phones were equipped with headset jacks and a turn key on the faceplate for enabling/disabling the handset.

Does your phone have the dual headset jacks at the rear, next to the mounting cord mousehole and an extra turn key on the front?
Arthur, yes, the 2563 has a double headset jack on the rear and the key next to the numeral 3 on the touchpad.

The wiring diagram for the 2563 doesn't have the S-V, V-G, V-BR, BR-V and G-V pairs. The tel set has the leads inside, but they're insulated and stored.

If the wiring diagram for a 2565 were compared to the wiring inside the 2563, there would have to be a V lead to the dial, which the 2563's 35Y3A pad doesn't have.

Posted By: Jim Baldwin Re: Using 2563HBMS with 4A speakerphone - 12/15/09 08:45 PM
come to think about it why would you need a 4a speakerphone with a headset????
Jim, one obvious reason to use a 4A speaker phone is if you aren't using the headset.

However, in this case, it's a demonstration, and it's easier to demonstrate the 2563 headset set *and* the 4A speakerphone together than having a 2563 and a 2565 separately.

Additionally, most of this old stuff is used by collectors rather than in commercial situations.
Here are the BSP references:

502-541-404 iss 4.

563HB, HBM. (modular) No speakerphone compatibility.

502-542-400 iss 1

1563HB. No speakerphone compatibility.

502-543-400 iss 4

2563HB, HBM (modular)No speakerphone compatibility.

In all of the above, the line cord leads associated with speakerphone are stored on vacant screw terminals, or insulated & stored.
Posted By: Jim Baldwin Re: Using 2563HBMS with 4A speakerphone - 12/16/09 03:56 PM
But WHY reinvent the wheel the phone was not designed to use a speakerphone. Maybe the people at Bell knew more than us!
I'm not going to pour over the schematics, but it wouldn't be surprising if using a speakerphone compatible dial pad would do the trick!
Another feature of the x563 sets:

Pushing in the turnkey flashes the line, as there is no way to operate the SWHK in headset mode.

This interrupts the T&R without interrupting the A lead, so the CO line button that is depressed stays lit to all users, preventing line-grabbing.
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