Posted By: Rcaman Now, Doesn't This Just Suck? - 10/04/16 10:16 PM
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It's official, Verizon will migrate voice only copper repair to Voice-Link wireless service. If you're a splicer, you just lost your job.

Posted By: hitechcomm Re: Now, Doesn't This Just Suck? - 10/04/16 11:10 PM
Sadly, its Technology moving forward
Posted By: EV607797 Re: Now, Doesn't This Just Suck? - 10/05/16 12:35 AM
They are installing mini-cell sites on about every fifth utility pole around here. I had a suspicion that this was going to be the result. I'm ashamed to work in this industry anymore.
Posted By: dexman Re: Now, Doesn't This Just Suck? - 10/05/16 01:39 AM
I think that some variation of this will eventually supercede FiOS.
Posted By: Rcaman Re: Now, Doesn't This Just Suck? - 10/05/16 02:18 PM
In most of the United States, wireless works very well. In western PA, there is so much iron in the hills, and that's about all we have here, are hills, that wireless is not good. Verizon will have to install a transceiver on every pole here. There are a growing number of areas where all utilities are underground. So, where are these transceivers to go?

I can see nothing but bad service and the security of ANY wireless signal can be compromised. I can just hear the problems: "The voice fades in and out, what are YOU going to do to fix YOUR telephone system?" Around here, don't even try and point the finger at Verizon. People are fed up with that.

Technology just moved back three steps in my book.

Posted By: Coral Tech Re: Now, Doesn't This Just Suck? - 10/05/16 10:29 PM
The question should be WHY when you aren't maintaining anything why is my phone bill virtually nothing? Why are you using MY electrical power and I have to PAY you? Sad day....
Posted By: ChrisRR Re: Now, Doesn't This Just Suck? - 10/06/16 11:51 PM
A few weeks ago, I took a joyride with a friend to Mount Uncanoonuc in nearby Goffstown, NH. It is a large hill, nothing I would ever consider a mountain, but it was a scenic drive, nonetheless. On top of this hill are all manner of cell towers, FM radio transmitters, TV transmitters, two way radio repeaters and the like. Dozens of different sites in a small congested area. To be sure, there were fences around each tower and it's accompanying hut, but no security to be seen. Most of the fences were in rough shape, some you could simply push out of the way and walk right in. Not wanting a felony conviction or RF burns, I stayed well away, but my point being any lunatic could drive a truck up there and knock out a heck of a lot of different services in a hurry. It's so isolated that they could probably get away before being caught, too. This is what we are supposed to rely on? This is supposed to be as secure and reliable as wired service?! It was exposed on top of a big hill in the boonies! A bad storm would knock out radio, TV and phone to a huge area if it hit that spot right. One of the huts said "NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE" on it. It was clearly still an active transceiver, and it hasn't been NET&T since what, the early 90's? Not sure what that tower was doing. It wasn't the old microwave horns. Anyway, the trip sure made me a believer in wired service.

I never thought I'd see the day I would utter these words, but this is one of those times I'm glad I'm in Fairpoint territory. They are, at least, maintaining their copper, even in areas where they have rolled out their fiber. Strangely, I see the fiber everywhere in the smaller towns, but there's none to be seen in the city yet.
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