If you're active on a voice path on the console handset, the volume controls should affect the handset volume. I've got a bunch of these in hotels and know that procedure works. That being said, Lightninghorse has a good point that you should check the handset itself. Users are famous for exchanging handsets from other phones when they have a volume problem. If the handset isn't compatible, you'll often have attenuation and the volume adjustment definitely won't help that. In other words, they haven't fixed the original problem, they just gave you an additional thing to troubleshoot.

Lightninghorse made another good point (he's full of them, by the way) that the incoming signal is often muffled by sidetone from ambient sound around the console. You might try his suggestion of a "confidencer" or noise-canceling handset, but be prepared to search extensively and pay $$ to get a good one that matches the Suspeset 1000.

Back some years ago (about the time the EL/ML came out), Mitel shipped Walker W-10 handset amplifiers with the Superset 1000... kind of an implicit acknowledgment that they had a handset volume problem. Maybe your consoles are from that vintage. If they're all working this way, I'd suggest getting a spare refurbed console and see if that resolves anything.

Harry at Telecom Equipment & Consulting
Specializing in Mitel systems for the Hotel/Motel industry