As I sit here working on a pair of Motel system quotes, I'm wondering what small TDM is. Do you think I could sell them a handful of SIP phones and a box? When the guest checks in, they're handed a phone with the room number on it and.....

The phone is just a box that's required in most corporate motels. It's cheap communication to the rooms, but I can't think of the last time I used a motel room phone for anything but toll free or room calling and maybe a "free local call". Other than that, I grab my cell phone.
I also expect the quality of cell calls to be less that a real phone. If I pick up that room phone, I expect it to work 100% of the time. My Time Worthless internet service isn't that reliable, or do you suppose the "No such host" errors on my email client or my Packet8 "I can't hear you" errors is just a little "downtime?"

If I need a room built on my house, I don't go the the lumber company, buy the materials, and build it, I call a carpenter. The same with a plumber, heating contractor, or mechanic. Why would a businessman install his own phone system?

The last consumer Panasonic systems I install, I put the maintenance console on the customer's computer. Do you think they bother to make their own changes? They can barely understand CSV files, let alone edit them.

On the other side of the coin, why would I have my attorney do my bookkeeping? My services, by market, are priced about the same as an electrician and less than the CG. Yeah, I could charge more, but I like to eat. That means I pull a lot of cable at prevailing rates, and work like a CG for less than prevailing, but them's the breaks.
