You are correct, Majestic. XO takes prompt payment very seriously, especially since they use a third party to handle their billing. If there was an issue with an account's service, you had best pay the amount due and collect a credit on the back end. Most CLECs are using third party billing, so I am not going to throw XO under the bus for that, yet.

You are also correct that when Verizon is handling the last mile, they will move at a pace within their regulated turnaround time, only to arrive at 3 hours, 59 minutes into the report to tell you "it's a facilities issue and we will have to refer this to cable". Don't blame this on XO or ATX. This is the poor attitude of Verizon's people in the field. These folks enjoy "throwing a pie" in the face of the competitor, almost as if they are punishing them for trying to step into VZ's gang territory.

Unless you find a way to get a carrier that provides service directly via fiber or via coax (cable TV providers), nothing is going to change. Verizon is the common denominator and they are in no hurry to make their competition look any better.