1. I will try to get the tables uploaded this weekend. I also made reverse tables for up to 202 pairs, i.e. listing all pairs alphabetically by colors, then giving the pair number.

2. I got to work on odd count today for the first time knowingly (a few weeks ago I had some terminals cut into a 51 pair cable, but didn't know what it was, so I just used the color code of the terminal to determine the pair numbers). Either the 303 pair cable I worked on today was installed wrong, or not all cables are the same. My documents say that 303 pair is supposed to be bundles of 51, 50, 51, 50, 50, 51. I was working on pairs 51-100 and 151-200 (a splice to a 100 pair standard pic). Those in the first group matched correctly, but those in the second group were "off by one", which would be explained if the bundles in the 303 were 51, 50, 50, 51, 50, 51, or if the cable count was something line "1-151, dd1, 152-302". I didn't have time to try to count the pairs in the third bundle (there were other problems in the splice, plus I was the one receiving trouble calls for he team).
