I can't stress how awesome this tutorial helped me. Thanks. I have some questions.

Cable 1 starts on the left most of the 66 block. Cable 2 the right most, cable 3 continues on the on the left. Cable 4 to the right and continue..

Do I use the bridging clips to connect the left side to the right side? That means, I have to use 48 bridging clips per 66 block? Please clarify.

On the left side and right side, there can be 6 cables each. Total 12 cables per 66 block.

Do I need to connect the 1st 66 block to 2nd 66 block to the 3rd 66 block? if so, how.

There are two rows of pins left, are those use to connect to the other 66 blocks or to the phone system? Is this call cross connect? Do you use 49 and the 50th pins to connect?
