Pin 1 and 6 is only a valid pair in RJ61. And to my knowledge no one uses RJ61.

Thus its either the pin out on the line cord is:
A) Not a Standard
B) Splitting pairs

Either or is fine with me.
Regardless, the inconsistencies from general telco practices require extra care when modifying the installation. This "make me go insane" as most alarms are either wired in poorly with no jack or -more commonly- as a set.

Here we run our ADSL/VDSL2 line though the alarm system before it goes into a potsplitter. This means the integrity of the alarm installation is very important to ensure a quality installations.

And, Almost every job I work on requires disconnecting the alarm from OE at one point in time. Either for tests, verification, or adding highspeed equipment. I am aware of two times when Police arrived at a job site for a number I was working on - and it was because of an OSW trouble (s/c) on a fax line that rang though to 911. However the Idea of a temper switch being wired into the line seems smart, I know of one job where a fake nid was installed with a tamper line running though it. The idea was If the line was cut it would be very obvious that someone was trying to disable the alarm as the OSW didn't actually go anywhere but inside.