Must of this will be in response to nonameyet's post above.

I'm not sure how to 'check the 432 option'. On the main screen my system options show: VMS 540 ACD...So, is the 540 option similar to the 432 you guys are asking about? If I am way off, please tell me where to look/enable it.

On the two CPUs I found the 8 LEDS.
There are 3 green and 2 red larger LEDs near the top of the card. Both are 3 solid green and 2 blinking red, from top down.

Anyn help on where to decipher what that translates to?

As for getting my terminal connected to the slave, I can see that plug in the lower right so I may have to try and make a connector between that and my PC later.

I have not rest the system, but could do that after hours Friday. I'm worried about losing the configuration when the power goes off. How do I backup the configuration and save it someplace? What are the proper steps for shutting this thing down and powering it back up? Just flip the switch, or something thru the software?

Thanks much so far all. Please continue.