Originally posted by dtmf:
I agree with Hal,
Never ,never, never just stay with one manufacturer, your just tiring your hands, I won't even consider Avaya for large or VOIP customers.

As far as the article, I don't buy into it.
DTMF I am with you about the Avaya but for 11 years now my only telephone system line has been Comdial. I made this decision when first starting on my own because I as a tech was tired of having to deal with the multitude of other manufacturers plus working on each individual system and having manuals for each. Then comes the part about inventory, just have one label on the shelves helps tremendously. Then comes the tech's, don't ever see a large percentage of them who can be cross experienced in multiple manufacturers, let alone the expense of certification that the tech takes with him when he leaves. I rode the storm out with Comdial last year and the storm before that, and thought the big tsunami was it in 2005. I was told my selection for Direct Channel Partnership was due to cert's, inventory, loyalty (can ya believe they even recognized it) demo systems and annual sales figures. So idealistically my focus on one product has streamlined the effectiveness of what I do here in Dallas. Sure, I have other buddies who tell me they give two or three different manufacturers system proposals and let the customer pick according to his taste, whether it be about money, features, appearance or whatever. But damn there is alot of work involved in the preparation of just one proposal in itself, especially large switches and various other items.