Thank you for reading my post.

I purchased a used Western Electric 2500DM. Everything works fine except it won’t ring. I looked up the wiring diagrams and checked to make sure everything was connected properly. This phone has the four-wire type coil and a 425E net.

The wires from the coil are connected to the net as follows:
Red to L2
Black to L1
Red/Grey to A
Grey to K

The wires from the line in jack are connected as follows:
Red to L2
Green to L1
Yellow to G

Note: The yellow wire from the line-in connects to G but no other wire is connected to G. The jack only has the red and green wires (inner pair) connected from the NID outside the house. So the yellow wire isn’t really connected to anything. I know that there was a fix for other 2500 series phones of moving the black coil wire from G to L1 but mine was already wired that way and if I read the schem. correctly, then it was sent out like that originally.

I tried switching the red and green wires in the jack (E.G. Red to Green & Vise-versa) to eliminate any polarity issue but the phone won’t ring either way.

More modern phones with digital ringers work fine on the jack. This is not a VOIP jack. It is a traditional POTS jack.

With the cover removed, I watched the clapper while calling the phone. It doesn’t even move a little.

I have the ringer adjusted to loud and can move the clapper with my finger. There is a little wire-like device under the clapper that runs the length of the clapper and through a plate that looks like a backwards G. I’ve tried the little wire-like “spring” in what I can only describe as free and captured but still no ring.

Any suggestions on where to look next?

Thanks in advance.

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