Here is the issue: I have a hotel property that switched from AT&T to Cox for their voice circuits back in April. yet they are still getting a giant bill from AT&T each month. I contacted their AT&T rep, and she told me this: "If this customer is PIC'd to another long distance carrier they would not continue to bill on an AT&T bill. I asked their local company (Cox) to verify the PIC code for this line - not just to check their records, but to also check the switch and translations for this customer. This customer has a T1 circuit at their location - they are also billing for AT&T Digital Link which is for local. If I saw no usage on their bill, I would have had this customer go straight to the disconnect desk to have this account disconnected, but due to the fact that I see actual usage, if they disconnected their One Net AT&T Account and are still PIC;d to AT&T, they will continue to bill on another AT&T bill at a higher rate."

My question is who sets the PIC code, and how can I physically check to make sure it is PIC'd correctly?
