I've spent the last 9 straight hours searching for a straight answer. I think I may have found just the place to get one.
Trying to get back on my feet after a brutal ride on the economical downturn and would like to launch a home based business on a bare bones budget, so I could use some advice from some tech savvy experts.
I'm told I can add a second (business) line by using my analog land line and adding a "distinctive ring to" feature as the additional phone number. Here's the rub - they dont add features (such as voicemail) to "ring to" (distinctive ring) numbers, you must use an answering machine. They dont make answering machines with distinctive ring capabilities. I do not want the same answering machine answering both numbers. I want two separate phone numbers with two separate messages.
Yes, I know I can do this if I have another physical line installed, but that's an installation fee and a recurring monthly expense I cant readily commit to just yet.
So here's what I'm thinking:
Can one of those hybrid fax/answering machine combos, that are distinctive ring programmable, accomplish the task?
Could I literally split the jack and plug in two of these fax/answering machines in to my single analog land line with one loaded for company A to the regular phone/fax operation, and the other loaded for company B to the distinctive ring phone/fax operation?
I'm getting both yes and no answers from different contacts at both the phone company and from the fax/answering machine manufacturer.
My head is spinning. I know there are devices out there such as the SR2 and The Stick that supposedly convert and reroute these calls, but they're a little pricey and if my jerry rigged set up will in fact work, why not go with equipment I already have for only 5$ more a month?
Lets say company A is my Avon business and company B is my birthday cake business. I dont want my Avon customers getting my birthday cake business a/m greeting, and vice versa.
Any advice from helpers out there would be greatly appreciated. And...if you live close enough, free birthday cake!
Thanks much smile