OOPs, forgot to define confidencer. You unscrewed the transmitter cover on the hanset and discarded it and the transmitter. Then you dropped this special little assembly into/onto the handset in place of the transmitter and screwed down the supplied retaining ring. WALA, transmitted noise was greatly reduced and you could talk veerryy quietly and still be heard easily at the other end, hence the term 'confidencer'. If you can imagine the pick-up field arond the mouthpiece of a handset, a standard field is a cone about 160 degrees, coming straight out of moutpiece. Confidencer tightened the cone to about 70 degrees. Handset transmitter became very directional. Could not let handset slip below mouth or you could not be heard.

When I was young, I was Liberal. As I aged and wised up, I became Conservative. Now that I'm old, I have settled on Curmudgeon.