Almost, Jeff:

3 pairs for the first line and 2.5 for each additional. The A1 lead only needed to be there once for the first line on 1A2 sets. The unused half-pairs provided A leads for lines 6 through 9 in ten/twenty button sets or plenty of spare leads.

ITT/Comdial sets even allowed cutting it down to two pairs if you were desperate by commoning all lamp grounds together within the set. You could even get more tacky by commoning the single A1 to the lamp ground. One could have even gotten more common than that if necessary, as only one ground connection was actually required within the set.

That saved a bunch of "LG" leads for more trickery, like button/buzzer pairs, ring transfer keys, etc. I won't tell you some of the cheap moves that I made to gain another half-pair, at least not in public.