Originally posted by upstateny:
There is a big ad in the paper today ... it says the company is asking for the employees to contribute towards their health insurance costs... that seems perfectly reasonable to me.

I had two more customers leave Verizon and sign up for phone service from the cable company yesterday.

Both sides of Verizon are making a big mistake this time!
If this were the case we would all be at work right now. Everyone that I work with has no problem, and fully expects to, have to pay into their health insurance. Trouble is this "minor" adjustment could end up costing each employee up to
$6000, with the total amount of "minor" adjustments somewhere around $20,000.

Are both sides making a mistake? You betcha! I'm disgusted at both sides of this, but all I can do is ask you not to drink the company kook-aid, just as I don't drink the union's. Someone is blantenly lying...