I think you're right on, Bob.

I would like to emphasize a point, though. We are upgrading a 6x customer tomorrow. I, again, checked with Allworx tech support. They said that they advise everyone to:
1. Upgrade in Major version increments--don't skip over
2. Be careful installing 7.5 for any end-user
The Allworx Sales person, however, said they they have been using 7.5 for about a month now, and it seems just fine. Now that's coming from a sales person. Buyer beware!!

The sales person also said that they don't use the term "Pre-Production" software anymore. MY Bad. I asked her what term they used for software these days that hasn't been completely tested and she said---"Oh, that software is just fine....." I'd still rather go in small steps and put it in our 6x here in the shop, first. I remember putting in some version a few years ago and all sorts of goofy things would happen. It took us about a week to call Allworx about it and they already had a newer version and tech support said to upgrade ASAP!!

Our supplier was more adamant in his advice. Do NOT use 7.5 yet for awhile. It may be just fine---but it may not be. I'd rather err on the side of caution. Also, it's going to take us a bit of time to play around with the Reach product. It's working OK, but there are some things that we're learning on this. It's not something I would have a customer jump in and use.

You have a lot of issues going on there. If you're lucky (did I say lucky????) it's just a dDoS attack and that will be it.
Good Luck and keep us in the loop.