I came across an interesting pamphlet from Pacific Telephone regarding the implementation of the modular telephone concept. Western Electric would be shipping modular sets as the supply of standard sets was depleted,and new existing non modular sets belonging to Pacific Telephone were not to be returned to the distribution house for conversion because of the cost. Wall sets were not to be installed with the 630 jack unless they were in a Phone Store concept area,because the additional cost ($2.20)of the 630 jack was not justified(bean counters at work).If a Repairman was sent for a bad hardwired cord,he was to use the punch and template to make the set modular,and if it was a remote location he was to convert all the sets on the premises so that in the future replacement cords could be mailed to the customer. I was wondering how the Installers and Repairmen felt about the modular program? Any way you look at it ,this program was obviously meant to reduce labor costs. This program must have cost the Bell System hundreds of millions. Just supplying the punch and notching template to each installer and repairman must have been millions.