Hello Sundance forum members,

I am new here, thought I would register and ask here since I was reading the other threads and you all sound knowledgeable.

I have a 48x systems with 26 9224 headsets throughout our building. We have been paging though the phones using the one page zone that we need (460) and the page comes through the phones. This is fine for the most part, but out on the manufacturing floor, we have machines that are loud, and can't hear the pages. I would love to put three or 4 speakers out onto the floor so when we page, the floor can hear the pages too.

Now if the Allworx system doesn't have a way to add paging to the 460 port that's fine, as long as we can page to all 3 or 4 speakers at the same time that would be fine.

So I am asking you guys, what do I need to purchase to be able to get the kind of page I need. Do I need a paging device, and then hook up speakers do that device? I Honestly don't know what to get I'm a Network Administrator not a PBX guy smile.

I appreciate all your help!