thanks for the response! love the stories. the Verizon techs, did run a check on his internal house wiring., and all is good. its an intermitting problem, but, i know there is a solution, i think its just a matter of getting Verizon to move on it. ive gone round and round with at&t, here at my house, and was a thorn in their side, until they fixed the problem. im not knocking the phone companies, but it just seems like you have to keep calling for service, until that one tech, shows up, and then, "wa-la", problem solved!!! i used to be a CSR, in house at IBM. i serviced system printers, mostly hardware, but had to work hand and hand with line techs, software engineers, etc. one time, i had a problem with a system printer, and i narrowed it down to an engineering change (EC), that was not installed on the printer. the software engineer, disagreed, and had the printer swapped out, for another identical printer. the cost to move the two printers, to do the swap was $5000. and that was just the fee for roe movers! the whole deal, cost about $8000! the so called "new" printer failed the same way as the original!!! software engineering, finally did the EC on this printer, and it was up and running in 10 minutes!!!! you just have to get the right professional, on the ticket, and "wa-la!!!"