OK, here's one for the "What.........the heck?" file.

I try and connect the ESI cabinet to the ISP's router. That usually bypasses all the firewalls and other Nazi crap the IT weenies hang on the network. This was a new Verizon FiOS install and there was a Verizon router, so I plugged into it. All the Windows 10 computers getting VIP 7 were connected to the Netgear POE switch which was connected to the Verizon router.

I could ping the NSP, I could ping the computers, but VIP 7 would launch and then fail.

So, I decided to connect the cabinet to an unused port on the Netgear. Surprise, surprise, VIP 7 loaded and is working on all 4 Windows 10 computers.

I have one user who is the Media Manager and Media Manager, absolutely, does not work with Win 10. I'm not so sure it plays too well with Win 7 either. I contacted ESI and the response was "We are anticipating a release of Media Manager that will work with Windows 10." I am not holding my breath.

Oh, I forgot to mention this interesting tidbit: This customer purchased a CS 50L from us about 5 years ago. Unbeknown to us, the customer drank some Comcast Kool Aid and got their VoIP Polycom phones and service and just shut off the CS 50L.

The customer called one day last week and politely asked us how much would it cost to upgrade his system and hook it back up again? They absolutely HATED the VoIP system. Compared to the ESI, two tin cans and a string works better. In fact, the owner, in a fit of frustration took two styrofoam cups and poked a hole in the bottom and stuck the ends of a patch cable in each cup. When the Comcast rep showed up to try and talk the customer into keeping the Polycom junk, the customer handed the rep one of the cups and held the other one and continued the conversation pretending to use the cups and string to communicate. He said: "See, this is 100% better than that VoIP you sold me."

As I have said before, VoIP is a solution looking for a problem. If a customer alredy has phone wiring and it's good, there is nothing a VoIP system can offer that a good, modern digital system does not have. In fact, in this case, the ESI offered EVERYTHING the Polycom offered and MORE with infinitely more convenience and much more user friendly.

So, chalk up a win for a real telephone system vs the nebulous VoIP. laugh


Americom, Inc.
Where The Art And Science Of Communications Meet