Did anyone already used a route with multiple registration.
I have the problem that it doesn't work.
I have several trunks at one provider, each trunk has different numbers.
For example: on one trunk I have only one number: 30984895; on another trunk at the same provider I have the numer 9362-0 with the extensions 10-99.
I make the multiple registration at the provider and the trunks are registered.
But when I call one the numbers I can see in the event log:

FAULT 2017-09-13 18:49:13 SCMC ILLEGAL CALL TRY : IP[89.1XX.XX.X], FROM[[email protected]], TO[[email protected]] 0 Illegal Call Try

In the number field I tryed already different numbers without any success, always ILLEGAL CALL TRY
On the SCMC is firmware

Any ideas?